With its distinctive pink exterior, Roseland Cottage was built in 1846 in Woodstock and is an excellent example of Gothic Revival architecture.
ReadOld Sturbridge Village moved numerous historical CT buildings, but evidence of their existence still lives on in historic maps, photographs, and memories.
ReadThe forerunners of Connecticut’s three interstate highways began as rugged postal routes in the 1600s.
ReadOn August 7, 1800, David Bacon, a native of Woodstock and a minister with the Home Missionary Society of Connecticut, set out on foot for the then far lands of the West.
ReadWest Woodstock’s Chamberlin Mill is a rare example of a water-powered circular saw mill converted to gasoline power.
ReadOn July 4, 1870, President Ulysses S. Grant attended Independence Day celebrations at Roseland Cottage in Woodstock.
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