John Warner Barber’s Connecticut Historical Collections (1836) marks the first effort to document Connecticut’s historic places, but it would not be until the late 19th century that residents became interested in the state’s historic places. Early preservation focused on houses, often restored by women’s organizations and made into museums. The Works Progress Administration drove preservation efforts in the early 20th century and widened the scope of sites considered important. In 1955 the General Assembly established the Connecticut Historical Commission and in 1966 Congress enacted the National Historic Preservation Act, which mandated preservation activities. Committed to preserving the built environment, Connecticut has more than 1,500 resources, from Colonial homes to skyscrapers, on the National Register of Historic Places.
Emily Holcombe Pioneered to Preserve Connecticut’s Colonial Past
Emily Seymour Goodwin Holcombe was an activist and preservationist who took pride in the state's history, particularly its colonial past. …[more]
Learn More
University of Connecticut, Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center. “Connecticut Historic Preservation Collection,” 2012. Link.
“Connecticut Landmarks.” Accessed August 16, 2012. Link.
“Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation,” 2017. Link.
“Hartford Preservation Alliance,” 2017. Link.
Library of Congress - Prints & Photographs Online Catalog. “Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record/Historic American Landscapes Survey,” 2012. Link.
Connecticut Barns. “Historic Barns of Connecticut,” 2017. Link.
National Park Service. “National Register of Historic Places (Database),” 2017. Link.
“New Haven Preservation Trust,” 2017. Link.
Connecticut Department of Economic & Community Development. “State Register of Historic Places,” 2017. Link.
International Festival of Arts & Ideas. The Cities Project: New Life for New England’s Industrial Past, 2019. Link.
Coppa & Avery Consultants. Architecture and Preservation in Connecticut: A Guide to Historic Homes, Churches and Architectural Styles. Monticello, IL: Vance Bibliographies, 1981.
Isham, Norman Morrison, and Albert F. Brown. Early Connecticut Houses; an Historical and Architectural Study. New York: Dover Publications, 1965.
Rolleston, Sara Emerson. Heritage Houses: The American Tradition in Connecticut 1660-1900. New York: Viking Press, 1979.