The town of Wallingford, located in New Haven County, is in the south-central region of the state—positioned half-way between New Haven and Hartford. Planters and freemen established the village in 1667, which was incorporated as town in 1670. In 1853, a separate borough was incorporated but the borough and the town later consolidated in 1958. In the 19th century, industry included pewter and Britannia-ware manufacturers. The town also housed a flourishing silver industry. Today, Wallingford is known for its diverse commercial and industrial base—ranging from technology companies to heavy manufacturing. Wallingford was also the childhood home of World War I flying ace Raoul Lufbery.
Wallingford Native Son Signed the Declaration of Independence
Lyman Hall served in the Second Continental Congress and signed the Declaration of Independence. …[more]
Learn More
“Greater New Haven Labor History Association,” 2017. Link.
Department of Energy & Environmental Protection. “Wharton Brook State Park,” 2012. Link.
“Broadside: Doctor Pierre E. Brandin’s Improved Anti-Rheumatic Salve,” 1826. Connecticut History Illustrated, Connecticut Historical Society. Link.
“Map - North Part of New Haven Co., Connecticut from Town and City Atlas of the State of Connecticut.” Boston, MA: D.H. Hurd & Company, 1893. University of Connecticut Libraries, Map and Geographic Information Center - MAGIC. Link.
Davis, H. L. “Map of the Borough of Wallingford.” New Haven, CT: Price and Lee Company, c1923. Connecticut History Online. Link.
Bailey, O.H. “Map: View of Wallingford, Conn. 1904.” Bird’s-eye. New York: Hughes & Bailey, 1904. University of Connecticut Libraries, Map and Geographic Information Center - MAGIC. Link.
Connecticut State Library Digital Collections. “Wallingford - WPA Architectural Survey,” 2013. Link.
“Wallingford Collection.” Connecticut Digital Archive, n.d. Link.
Rockey, J. History of New Haven County, Connecticut. Vol. 1. New York: W. W. Preston, 1892. Link.
Davis, Charles. History of Wallingford, Conn. from Its Settlement in 1670 to the Present Time, Including Meriden, Which Was One of Its Parishes Until 1806, and Cheshire, Which Was Incorporated in 1780. Meriden, CT: C.H.S. Davis, 1870. Link.
Gillespie, Charles. Souvenir History of Wallingford, Connecticut, 1895. Meriden, CT: Journal Publishing Company, 1895. Link.
Wallingford Historical Society. Wallingford. Charleston, SC: Arcadia, 1999.