The town of Brooklyn, in Windham County, is located in the northeast, or Quiet Corner, of Connecticut. It is named for the Quinebaug River, or Brook Line, which forms its eastern boundary. Originally land of the Wabaquasset, Brooklyn incorporated as a town separate from Canterbury and Pomfret in May of 1786. An early county seat, Brooklyn held the 1833 trial of Prudence Crandall, a schoolteacher charged with the crime of educating black students. Brooklyn was also home to Revolutionary War General Israel Putnam and abolitionist Reverend Samuel May. America’s oldest continuously operating agricultural fair, the Brooklyn Fair, is held to this day.
Celia Burleigh, Connecticut’s First Female Minister
In 1871, Celia Burleigh, a life-long activist and reformer, became minister of the Unitarian congregation in Brooklyn, Connecticut. …[more]
Learn More
Putnam Elms. “Colonel Daniel Putnam Association,” 2012. Link.
Brooklyn Connecticut. “Our History,” 2012. Link.
“The Last Green Valley,” 2017. Link.
“Brooklyn Historical Society,” 2016. Link.
Connecticut State Library Digital Collections. “Brooklyn - WPA Architectural Survey,” 2014. Link.
“Brooklyn Collection.” Connecticut Digital Archive, n.d. Link.
Woodford, E. M. “Map of Windham County, Connecticut.” Philadelphia, PA: E.M. Woodford, 1856. University of Connecticut Libraries, Map and Geographic Information Center - MAGIC, Yale University Library, Map Collection. Link.
Lee, Stephen. “Windham County, Conn., Business Directory Containing the Names, Business and Location of All the Business Men in the County, Agricultural, Manufacturing, and Other Statistics, with a History of Each Town.” Windham County Transcript Office, 1861. Link.
Bayles, Richard, ed. History of Windham County, Connecticut. New York, NY: W. W. Preston & Company, 1889. Link.
Larned, Ellen. History of Windham County, Connecticut. 1760-1880. Vol. 2. Worcester, MA: Ellen Larned, 1874. Link.
The Story of the Twenty-First Regiment, Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, During the Civil War. 1861-1865. Middletown, CT: Stewart Printing Co., 1900. Link.