Content Updates

Content Updates on understands that terms, language, conventions, and ideas change over time. As a trusted digital educational resource for Connecticut history, must remain dynamic and responsive to change to stay relevant and useful. As with many digital projects, this requires periodic updates to content.

Students studying in diesel lab at submarine training school, New London, Connecticut., 08-1943 - NARA - 520854 National Archives at College Park, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Students studying in diesel lab at submarine training school, New London, Connecticut. National Archives at College Park, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

What Are We Updating?

Minor updates, such as modifying outdated language and terms, will be performed periodically by CTH staff. In rare instances, more significant updates (ones that affect the core ideas, scholarship, or premise of the content) may be required. These updates will undergo a more collaborative updating process that includes author consultation. CTH staff will consult the discipline’s best practices and scholarship to ensure continuity and consistency.

How Do I Know If Something Has Been Updated?

An updated article will have a “Last Updated” date at the top. At the bottom of an updated article, you will find a link to the original (now archived) article.
Original, unaltered articles are archived for transparency and preservation purposes to demonstrate changes to content over time. These articles have [Archived] in the title and are accessible via a link from the updated article’s page. Archived articles are no longer edited and may contain outdated language and ideas.
We encourage all readers to use the updated article for research purposes.

See Something?

Do you see any language, content, typos, broken links, or anything else in need of updating on Our staff conducts periodic reviews, but we have a lot of content and always appreciate tips on what to update next—please send to

Takedown Policy

There are situations where it is appropriate and necessary to remove or takedown content on We are in the process of creating a takedown policy and will update this page when appropriate.

For More Information…

Please see’s Content Updating Policy and contact us if you have any additional questions.

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