For the Common Good | Connecticut History | a CTHumanities Project

America 250 | CT Theme: For the Common Good

Just as Connecticut residents did in 1776 and have done ever since, we all participate in the ongoing development of our communities, state, and nation. The 250th anniversary offers an opportunity to reconsider the origins and changes of our government, democratic institutions, and broader civic life. With an understanding of Connecticut’s history, we can also reflect on how to continue to shape our state’s future. 

Questions to Think About: 

  • How have Connecticut people fought for and changed their rights over time?  
  • How can understanding the origins of our government inform civic engagement today?  

While there are many stories from Connecticut’s history that fall within the “For the Common Good” theme, below are a few to get you started. 

Header image – Connecticut Working Woman Delegation to see President Wilson, 1919 – Connecticut State Library. Used through Public Domain.

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